These are the Signs It Might be Time for Hospice Care in Riverside

These are the Signs It Might be Time for Hospice Care in Riverside

It can be difficult to know when it’s time to consider hospice care in Riverside. The signs aren’t always clear, and many people worry about making the wrong decision. If you’re finding that your loved one is struggling with more hospitalizations, trips to the ER, infections or weight loss, it might be time to explore hospice care.

Hospice provides comfort and support for those who are nearing the end of their life, and can help make this difficult time a little bit easier. Let’s discuss the signs that indicate it might be time for hospice care in Riverside, as well as some of the options available for you and your loved ones.

The Signs It Could Be Time for Hospice Care

There are a few key indicators that hospice care might be the best option for your loved one:

Reduced appetite or significant weight loss: If your loved one is no longer interested in eating, or is losing a lot of weight, it could be a sign that they’re ready for hospice.

Uncontrolled pain: If your loved one is dealing with unchecked pain, despite aggressive medical treatments, hospice care can help provide relief.

Shortness of breath: If your loved one is struggling to catch their breath, or is feeling suffocated, it’s a sign that they might need hospice.

Decreased alertness: If your loved one is sleeping more, or seems confused and disoriented, it could be time to consider hospice care.

Inability to perform tasks of daily living: If your loved one is no longer able to take care of themselves, hospice care can provide the support they need.

Making the Decision to Focus on Quality of Life

If you’re considering hospice care in Riverside, it’s likely because you’ve made the decision to focus on quality of life, rather than aggressive medical treatments. This is a difficult decision to make, but it’s important to remember that hospice care is about comfort and support.

Finding the Right Care

When it comes to hospice care, there are a few different options available in Riverside. Palliative care is one option, which focuses on providing comfort and support, rather than aggressive medical treatment. Hospice care is another option, which provides end-of-life care for terminally ill patients.

Starting Hospice or Palliative Care With Care Dimensions Healthcare

If you’re ready to explore hospice care in Riverside, Care Dimensions Healthcare can help. We offer both palliative and hospice care services, and our team is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your loved one.

Contact us today to learn more about our hospice care in Riverside.

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