A Short Guide to Understanding Symptoms of End-of-Life

A Short Guide to Understanding Symptoms of End-of-Life

It’s never something we want to think about, but one day, our time here on Earth will come to an end. While there is no one right way to deal with this, there are some common symptoms and signs of end-of-life that can help us prepare. One of the best ways to do so is with hospice care in Los Angeles. Here are some of the signs it’s time to learn more about hospice care in Los Angeles.

When to Seek Care

The best way to know whether it’s the right time to seek hospice care for end-of-life care is to consult a doctor or hospice care center. However, there are a few signs to watch out for:

Urine Decrease

A decrease in the amount of urine may be a sign that a person is not getting the fluids they need. If a person is not drinking enough fluids, their kidneys may start to fail. Identifying this starts with asking the person about their hydration levels and whether they are taking in enough fluids through other means such as juice, water, or soup.

Changes in Breathing

Changes in breathing may be a sign that a person is in pain. If a person is not breathing well, they may need help to breathe. This may include using a CPAP machine to help them breathe more easily or receiving CPR in extreme cases if it leads to cardiac arrest.


A fever can be a sign that a person is sick or suffering from an infection. If a person is feverish and has no other symptoms, they may not need to see a doctor. However, if a person has other signs of infection, such as a sore throat, they should see a doctor.


If a person is unable to control their bladder or bowel movements, this may be a sign that they are in pain. This may include needing to be incontinent to avoid embarrassment or because they are unable to speak or move.

Long Periods of Sleeping

When they are sleeping for a long period of time, this may be a sign that they are not feeling well and do not have enough energy. They may need to see a doctor if they are not able to wake up from sleep or are having trouble sleeping.


Confusion is a common sign of illness and can be a sign that a person is in pain or is not getting the care they need. If a person is confused and does not know who they are, they may need help to get back to their normal routine.


If they have congestion, this may be a sign that their lungs are not working well. This may include coughing, chest pain, or shortness of breath.

Contact Care Dimensions Healthcare for Hospice Care in Los Angeles if You Notice Any of These Signs

It’s important that you don’t wait until these signs become severe before seeking hospice care. Contact Care Dimensions Healthcare for Hospice Care in Los Angeles if you notice any of these signs and we will work with you to find the best care for you or your loved one. We believe in providing the best possible care for our patients, with compassion and professionalism.

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