Myths About Palliative Care You Should be Aware Of

Myths About Palliative Care You Should be Aware Of

Palliative care is the best possible care for people facing a serious illness or injury. It is designed to ease the symptoms and pain of these illnesses and injuries and to provide support and comfort to the person. However, there are some misconceptions about palliative care that make it difficult to understand it. Here are four of the most common myths about palliative care in Riverside.

Myth #1: Palliative Care is Only for the Terminally Ill

One of the biggest misconceptions about palliative care is that it’s only for the terminally ill. There are various types of palliative care that can be helpful for people of all ages and stages of illness. Palliative care can help to improve the quality of life for people who are facing a serious illness or injury, regardless of their prognosis.

Myth #2: Palliative care and hospice are the Same

Many people mistakenly believe that palliative care and hospice are the same thing. While both care options can provide support and comfort to people who are facing a serious illness or injury, they are actually quite different. Palliative care is focused on improving the quality of life for people who are facing a terminal illness or injury, while hospice is an option that focuses on providing compassionate care for people who have a terminal illness and has only 6 months or less to live if the illness runs its natural course..

Myth #3: Palliative care is Only Comprised of Pain Treatment by Using Medications

Another misconception about palliative care is that it’s only about using medications to treat pain. In fact, palliative care can involve a variety of treatments to improve the quality of life for people who are facing a serious illness or injury. These treatments can include assistance with activities of daily living, support groups, psychological counseling, and medication therapy.

Myth #4: Palliative care is Expensive

One of the worst things people can think about when they’re facing a serious illness or injury is that it’s going to cost a lot of money. Unfortunately, this is often the case. However, most insurance companies cover palliative care and Medicare also covers palliative care.

Learn More About Palliative Care in Riverside at Care Dimensions Healthcare

If you’re looking for a care option that can help you improve the quality of your life, consider visiting Care Dimensions Healthcare in Riverside. Our team of specialists can provide you with the support you or a loved one needs to live a comfortable and fulfilling life during illness or injury. Contact us today to learn more about our palliative care services.

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